Hempy Pets Whole Plant Pet CBD Oil


This rich addition to your pet’s daily regime comes in 150mg, 300mg, 750mg, and 1000mg strengths to accommodate pets of any size!


Hempy Pets Whole Plant Pet Hemp CBD Oil

Cannabinoids and terpenes from the hemp plant are very beneficial to the health and wellness of your pets. Hemp CBD helps to reduce anxiety and stress, relieve pain and inflammation, improve skin conditions, and supports healthy bones and joints. CBD calms dogs down from stress from noise or separation anxiety. It protects against poor joint health, relieves bodily discomfort, and even regulates the digestive system, easing digestive problems such as nausea, symptoms from cancer, aiding in maintaining a healthy weight, and may protect against diabetes. Hemp and all the cannabinoids and terpenes it offers also helps with neurological disorders, being a neuroprotector. It protects the nervous system, helping with neuro-degenerative diseases and seizures. It can also be beneficial in preventing cysts and tumors or helping pets who have already developed cysts and tumors. On top of all of those benefits, it supports healthy heart function and also aids in the relief of skin issues, allergies, and flaking.

This Whole Plant Pet Oil is not only rich in cannabinoids and terpenes, including added terpenes beneficial to relieving pain, relaxing and calming anxious dogs, and aiding in maintaining a healthy immune system, is combined with Olive oil and wild Alaskan salmon oil for a powerhouse of benefits for your furry companions!

Olive Oil:

Olive oil helps maintain healthy coats and provides hairball management, management in dandruff and flaking, and moisturizing the skin. It is a superfood with monosaturated fats which help to increase the lifespan of your pet. Olive oil prevents cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and excessive weight gain while promoting a healthy immune system. Olive oil is also linked to brain and joint health which is important for dogs suffering from hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, arthritis and osteoarthritis. With Omega-3 fatty acids in addition to squalene and terpenoids it is believed that olive oil is effective in treating cancer. Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants which protect against cell damage.

Salmon Oil:

Salmon oil is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids that support a healthy immune system, healthy cardiovascular system, has anti-inflammatory properties, and promotes a healthy skin and coat while helping cognitive function in your pet.


This oil is meticulously crafted for the health and wellness of your pet, increasing the lifespan by preventing diseases, diabetes, cancer, and treating conditions your pet may already have. With the whole plant and all the cannabinoids and terpenes naturally found within the plant your pet will have a healthy endocannabinoid system which promotes homeostasis and wellness. Adding the Olive Oil and Salmon Oil greatly benefits your pet with all of the properties they have to offer. The added terpenes round out this oil to be a crucial addition in your pet’s daily diet.

Ingredients: Full Extract Cannabis Oil, Olive Oil, Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil, Terpenes.

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150mg, 300mg, 750mg, 1000mg


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