Hempy Herbs Flu Fighter Hemp CBD Tea


Hempy Herbs Flu Fighter-Immune Booster CBD Tea 75mg | Cup

Flu Fighter is a soothing and refreshing full-bodied blend with herbs that help to fight against infections such as upper respiratory, influenza, bacterial infections while relieving the symptoms of cold and sinus infections and helping to clear mucus, relieve inflammation, and providing vital vitamins and nutrients to help boost the immune system.


Hempy Herbs Flu Fighter-Immune Booster CBD Tea 

Flu Fighter is a soothing and refreshing full-bodied blend with herbs that help to fight against infections such as upper respiratory, influenza, bacterial infections while relieving the symptoms of cold and sinus infections and helping to clear mucus, relieve inflammation, and providing vital vitamins and nutrients to help boost the immune system.


Echinacea has a tonic action on the body’s immune system and is preventative for upper respiratory infections such as colds, flu and cough. It is an immune modulator, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifies the body while stimulating saliva. Echinacea increases the number of white blood cells and their strength of action, prevents colds and respiratory infections, while treating sore throats, throat infections, and helping underperforming immune system. It aids in relief from the flu, sore throats, tonsillitis, and canker sores.

Raspberry Leaf: 

Raspberry Leaf contains polyphenols, especially anthocyanins, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, pectin, fruit sugars, and acids. It may be used to relieve diarrhea. In pregnant women, raspberry leaf encourages easy labor and hte leaves are thought to strengthen longitudinal muscles of the uterus, increasing the force of contractions and hastening childbirth.


Elderberry is a valuable remedy for flu, colds, and chest conditions. It is antiviral, clears mucus, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and increases sweating. Elderberry establishes antiviral activity and helps to prevent and speed recovery from upper respiratory infections. It’s mildly laxative and helps lower blood pressure. Elderberry enhances immune function.

Orange Peel: 

Orange peel is rich in beta-carotene which converts to vitamin A, and is also rich in vitamin C making it a natural antioxidant that boosts the immune system and fights off germs and viruses. It contains compounds that help to prevent the release of histamines, which are the chemicals responsible for allergic reactions. Orange peel helps to clear away mucus and phlegm, which makes it beneficial in treating upper respiratory infections, and preventing coughing. Pectin in orange peel is an agent that helps to grow probiotic bacteria in the gut which helps to boost the immune system. Vitamin C helps speed the healing of a cold or flu. Orange peel also helps to soothe nausea. It is a great antimicrobial agent that helps to prevent and heal a cold, flu, and viral infections as well as fungal infections. It is a powerful lung cleansing agent which makes it incredibly beneficial for respiratory infections.


Ginger is one of the world’s best natural medicines with warming and anti-inflammatory properties that bring relief to ailments such as headaches, migraines, joint pain, indigestion, and nausea. Ginger has a pungent, slight lemony taste. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, is a circulatory stimulant, antiemetic, antiviral, and digestive stimulant. It speeds the rate of gastric emptying and aids absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract. Ginger improves iron absorption helping to treat anemia. It also reduces muscle pain with potent anti-inflammatory actions. It is helpful for almost all digestive complaints and is an excellent remedy for indigestion, nausea, gas, bloating and cramps. Ginger has antiseptic activity making it powerful and valuable in all gastrointestinal infections, including food poisoning. It stimulates circulation which helps blood flow to the surface making it an important remedy for poor circulation. With its antiviral activity it is first-rate remedy for coughs, colds, flu, and other respiratory problems. Ginger helps stimulate sweating which helps to cool and control fevers.


Rosehips contain Vitamin C, A, B1, B2, B3, and K, along with flavonoids, tannins, invert sugar, pectin, plant acids, polyphenols, carotenoids, volatile oil and vanellin. It is valued as a source of a widely used fold remedy for chest problems. With extremely high levels of vitamins that rosehips provide, they also provide other nutrients in a form that is readily absorbed by the body. Rosehips are mildly diuretic and the tannin content makes them a gentle remedy for diarrhea.


Peppermint stimulates sweating, contains antimicrobial , analgesic, and antispasmodic properties on the digestive system which increases the flow of digestive juices and bile while relaxing gut muscles. Peppermint reduces nausea, colic, cramps, and gas while helping to relieve diarrhea. It is also gentle on the throat and helps to soothe sore throats and coughs.


Lemongrass is a great remedy for digestive problems. It relaxes the stomach and gut muscles, relieves cramping pains, flatulence, and primary regarded as a fever-reducing herb, especially where there is significant congestion.


Hibiscus contains flavonoids and anthocyanins. It has a pleasant tasting, refreshing flavor that is cooling and mildly sedative, soothing hot and feverish conditions. It is gently tonic and will ease colds, cough and chest problems. Hibiscus also aids in digestion and gently stimulates the appetites. It acts to reduce cholesterol levels. Hibiscus is demulcent, mildly soothing sore or inflamed mucous membranes within the digestive and respiratory tracts.


Ingredients: Hemp Flower, Echinacea, Raspberry Leaf, Elderberry, Orange Peel, Ginger, Rosehips, Mint, Lemongrass, Hibiscus.

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